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Mississippi Society for Respiratory Care

2025 MSRC Officers

President - Lisa Brock, MSHAE, RRT, CPFT

President-Elect - John Shelburne, MA, RRT

Immediate Past-President - Howard Derrick, BS, RRT

Secretary - Scottie Pinkston, BSM, RRT

Treasurer - Deanna Yates, RRT

Senior Delegate- Dalton Harris, BHS, RRT

Junior Delegate -  Eligah Johnson, MPH, BHS, RRT

PACT Representative  Eligah Johnson, MPH, BHS, RRT

Click here for more complete list of new officers

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A word from former president

H.Derrick Thanks
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Mississippi Society for Respiratory Care, Inc.


This organization shall be known as the Mississippi Society for Respiratory Care, Inc., a chartered affiliate of the American Association for Respiratory Care, hereinafter referred to as the AARC, which is incorporated under the general not-for-profit Corporation Act of the State of Illinois.

Click here to view the full MSRC Bylaws (most recent update as of July 2023)

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A special rate of $10 is available for Respiratory Care students.  The student must contact their Program Director to get the school code to get this discounted rate. Once you have obtained the code click the link below.

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Mallery is a Respiratory Therapist in Tupelo, MS.  She has been hospitalized since August 15 and is recovering from multi-organ failure. This GoFundMe is to help with medical bills and necessities as Mallery continues to heal in the hospital. Mallery is a respiratory therapist and cares so much for others. Let’s try to help her along this journey in any way we can. Click on the picture to go to the GoFundMe page.

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We were challenged by the New York Society for Respiratory Care to be the third state in the United States to have their personalized license plates. 

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Who are Respiratory Therapists?

Respiratory Therapists are allied health care professionals specializing in diagnosis, treatment, care planning, and other matters surrounding pulmonary (lung) disease. Respiratory Therapists can be found in outpatient & inpatient hospital or clinic settings, home care companies, research institutions, skilled nursing facilities, and other settings as well. Although Respiratory Therapist are more specialized in lung disorders, they also have a knowledge of other diseases in healthcare.

Respiratory Therapists are Nationally Boarded professionals at two distinguished levels. The National Board for Respiratory Care, or NBRC, validates two credentialing examinations. The first examination level is the Entry-Level (Certified Respiratory Therapist), and the second examination level is the Advance-Level (Registered Respiratory Therapist).



Are interested in the field of Respiratory Therapy and have a desire to help people with pulmonary illness?
Click here to learn more on becoming a Respiratory Therapist!

What Is An RT? Click here.

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